Rock 'n' Roll (RnR)

The music has 4 beats to the bar and about 42 bars per minute. There are many different basic rhythms. Count S, QQ or QaQ per half bar for most step groups and figures.

RnR doesn't really use a close hold. Double and single handholds are more common.

The style of RnR varies a lot. It tends to be wilder than Jive - which was derived from it. So it has all the same figures, plus many more dangerous ones where the couple throw each other around.


There are a lot of different RnR basics. They all follow the pattern of 2 somethings (one on each foot) plus some sort of rock-step. The man's basic is always Left-Right-Left and the lady's is always Right-Left-Right. Note the rock-step is considered to be the last part of the figure rather than the first as in Jive. This is probably to pretend the dances are more different than they actually are.

In general, any flicks and closes are accompanied by a hop or bounce on the supporting foot. For a flick, raise the foot to shin level, then push it out low and slightly to the side to avoid hitting partner. The toe should be pointed down and not allowed to flap around. A Full-Change has both feet off the floor briefly, the rear one is put down first but weight goes onto the front one (which must be close to it). In heel digs the toe is pointed up and the heel touches the floor. In pump steps, the hip is raised as well as the knee so that when the foot is pushed down heel first it does not hit the floor!

Press-Step Basic (FP, DH)
Beat S S Q Q

Tap-Step Basic (FP, DH)
Beat Q Q Q Q Q Q
Man LS tap LS RS tap RS LB RF
Lady RS tap RS LS tap LS RB LF

Flick Basic (FP, DH)
Beat Q Q Q Q Q Q
Man LdF fl LC RdF fl RC LB RF
Lady RdF fl RC LdF fl LC RB LF

Flick Basic with Flick Full-Change (FP, DH)
Beat Q Q Q Q Q a Q
Man LdF fl LC RdF fl RC LdF fl LcB RcF
Lady RdF fl RC LdF fl LC RdF fl RcB LcF

Double-Flick Basic with Flick Full-Change (FP, DH)
Beat Q Q Q Q Q a Q
Man LdF fl LdF fl RdF fl RdF fl LdF fl LcB RcF
Lady RdF fl RdF fl LdF fl LdF fl RdF fl RcB LcF

Pump Basic with Heel Full-Change (FP, DH)
Beat Q Q Q Q Q a Q
Man LS pump LC RS pump RC LdF heel LcB RcF
Lady RS pump RC LS pump LC RdF heel RcB LcF

Double-Pump Basic with Heel Full-Change (FP, DH)
Beat Q Q Q Q Q a Q
Man LS pump LS pump RS pump RS pump LdF heel LcB RcF
Lady RS pump RS pump LS pump LS pump RdF heel RcB LcF


This is my favourite RnR-only figure. It was used by The Shadows (on the rare occasions that they attempted to dance). The first step is forwards. The second step crosses all the way over in front of it (further sideways than shown in the diagram). The third step is backwards and the fourth is sideways. All 4 steps are slow - so it makes a change from the normal RnR rhythms.

Square (FP, DH)
Beat S S S S

© Susan Foord ( 2010-06-28
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